iLOOKER電影網> 獨家快訊 > 拍完《玩命8》接著拍新版《野蠻遊戲》 巨石強森:非重拍而是續集
拍完《玩命8》接著拍新版《野蠻遊戲》 巨石強森:非重拍而是續集
2016-08-22 作者:木青

好在近日巨石強森(“The Rock” Johnson)在Instagram上發文表示,已經正式結束《玩命關頭8》(Fast and Furious 8)的拍攝,感謝所有合作演員與工作人員之外,也提及未來兩周將進入新版《野蠻遊戲》(Jumanji)劇組,而這部新《野蠻遊戲》並非是重啟之作,而是這個傳奇故事的延續!

Finished strong and on to the next. That's an officially wrap on #FastAndFurious8. Thank you to our director @fgarygray for the vision and execution. Thank you UNIVERSAL for being tremendous partners as always, thank you to all my fellow co-stars for the daily effort and grind. Scott Eastwood you handsome sumbitch! Natalie Emmanuel I have a cold Budweiser ready for you and Tyrese Gibson you still have the biggest smile and forehead I've ever seen.😂 And a huge THANK YOU to our hard working production crew - the backbone of our business. Your kind words meant a lot to me last night - thank you! In the end, we all rallied, as great teams do, kicked ass and will deliver an amazing movie to the world. Proud of our entire FAST FAMILY. And now in two weeks I'll reunite with ol' friends Kevin Hart & Jack Black and we have the honor to introduce a whole new generation to the amazing world of #JUMANJI. *(for the record we are NOT making a reboot, but rather a continuation of the awesome JUMANJI story). It's also crazy to me how much me, Kev and Jack look like triplets when we're together. 👶🏽👶🏻👶🏿. Man this is gonna be FUN. #WheelsUp #ThatsAWrap #FromFastAndFurious #StraightIntoJumanji #BigBrownBaldTattooedMan #DarkChocolateComedicRockStar #BrillaintCrazyCurvyCaucasion #TheseHashtagsAreRidiculous #INeedSleepAndCARBS #ButIWillSettleForTequila

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原版的《野蠻遊戲》由已故演員羅賓威廉斯(Robin Williams)主演,故事講述一個能把能把在遊戲中的關卡在現實世界中真實呈現的瘋狂遊戲;遊戲一旦開始便無法終止,擲了骰子就得堅持到底的野蠻遊戲。這部1995年推出的奇幻電影廣受好評,全球票房累計高達2.6億美元(約台幣85億),是許多人的共同回憶。2005年索尼曾推出續集《迷走星球》(Zathura),同樣改編自克里斯凡艾斯伯格的童書,由強法夫洛(Jon Favreau)執導,將這款「野蠻遊戲」搬到了外太空,但可惜得到的迴響與喜愛並不如原版。
最新版的《野蠻遊戲》由傑克卡斯丹(Jake Kasdan)執導,找來演員巨石強森(Dwayne Johnson)、凱文哈特(Kevin Hart)和傑克布萊克(Jack Black)共同演出,預計由索尼影業代理發行,明年7月28日上映,台灣檔期預計與美同步上映。
(source. Indiewire-jumanji)
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